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About us

Over the past years, Society Education had been involved in the provision of a vast array of business related professional education to numerous individual participants and organizations coming from almost all sectors of the Maltese economy. Our goals are to deliver programmes that impact on the development of leaders and organizational performance. Our programmes are designed to provide a collaborative and stimulating environment for learning and to add value to your professional careers and personal growth. The diverse educational and professional backgrounds of our lecturing staff enrich the experience. Society Education provides: Continuous professional education covering a vast array of business areas; Business related seminars and conferences; Courses for individuals in the fundamental management areas of general management, strategy and innovation, human resources and people management, leadership, finance and accounting. Customized in house educational programmes developed and designed in close collaboration with the client organizations to meet their specific strategic and operational obligations. We invite you to explore and discover the Society Education experience by enrolling on our courses, seminars and conferences or speaking to us about your development needs.