The Code of Ethics is a live document by IFAC and it is continuously updated. It is transposed into all countries’ regulation and legislation. It is necessary for the benefit of our practice to always remain knowledgeable about the Code of Ethics and current thinking. The Code is the perfect company to the technical standards. The profession has long acknowledged that our effectiveness and professionalism through the technical standards is buoyed by the Ethical standards. Which is why it is important to remain knowledgeable of the Code and applying it in the various situations that confront us during our practising life. During this session we walk through the principles and structure of the Code to ensure the widest familiarisation therewith as part and parcel of not only our business, but also our societal role.
The Speaker
Mario P Galea is a certified public accountant holding a warrant to practice both as an accountant and as an auditor. Currently practising as a business advisor providing governance oversight and advisory services to businesses and corporations. Serves as an independent non-executive director on the boards and audit committees of various listed companies in the financial and commercial sectors. Mentor and advisor to family businesses. Founder, managing partner and chairman of accountancy and audit firm EY in Malta until retirement in 2012. Specialised in auditing and assurance which he has practiced for 35 years in Malta and abroad. Lectured in auditing, assurance and professional and business ethics and led several training courses. Speaker at various business and professional conferences in Malta and abroad. Assisted businesses in several areas particularly relating to governance, accounting and systems of control. Served as President of the Malta Institute of Accountants and for many years formed part of the Accountancy Board which is the accountancy profession regulator in Malta. Served on various professional committees in Malta and abroad such as the council of the Federation des Experts Comptables (FEE) in Brussels (now Accountancy Europe). Member of the Ethics and Regulatory committees of the Malta Institute of Accountants in Malta.